I strive to be a developer who focuses on writing clean, elegant, overly commented, and efficient code.
Making user interfaces are my passion! to bring beauty and functional user experiences together in perfect harmony.
Java | Number guessing game, data structures within Java, hangman game |
WordPress | Customized theme, E-commerce website, hand coded Theme from scratch, and 8 different websites |
ASP.NET MVC 4/5 | Created party invites, sample bookstore application, used Entity Framework to connect with databases to manipulate data as needed, and a way track all computers and applications on the computers in the entire school |
SEO | Develop and maintain keywords, tags, and descriptions for targeted markets and strive to increase Google PR |
Python | Created the card game War with multiple players |
Android | Created Bookstore App utilizing: XHTML, Java, Android studios, and Eclipse |
YPAL | Helped move content from old website to a new website |